viernes, 2 de julio de 2010


Thursday, 2nd week.
Today we went to Torquay, and visited a place called "Living Coasts", where we saw different sea animals: penguins, seals, birds and fish.

Yo pensaba que los pingüinos eran figuras... y petrificada me quedé cuando vi que se movían.

The football World Cup is a very big event here in England, and the penguins are also following it.
Notice the flags of the 8 countries that have qualified for the quarter-finals.

Y qué "pesaicos" con el "furgol"...

This baby penguin is 6 weeks old, and he's even bigger than his parents.
Lo bautizamos como "Pelo Pincho"

MJ looking for something she had lost in the water.
Si por poco me ahogo...

1 comentario:

  1. hola!!!! Es chulisimo poderos ver todos los dias, apreciar lo bien que lo estais pasando y sobretodo agradecer y reconocer el trabajo de los profesores detrás de estas fotos.Muchisimos besos para todos-as.Isabel Nuñez
